Med Logitech® Wireless Mouse M705 kan du arbejde videre... og videre.
Den bruger langt mindre strøm end tilsvarende trådløse mus fra andre producenter, så du kan måske nøjes med at skifte batterier hvert tredje år.
Musen bruger en lillebitte, trådløs modtager som kan blive siddende i computeren, så den altid er klar til brug – når som helst, hvor som helst og så længe du vil. Og den lynhurtige scrollefunktion betyder at du kan flyve igennem lange dokumenter og hurtigt finde det, du leder efter. Laserregistrering betyder at musen bevæger sig jævnt og reagerer kvikt. Endelig passer den svungne form perfekt til højre hånd, så musen er stadig behagelig at bruge selv efter en lang arbejdsdag.
Batterilevetiden kan variere afhængigt af hvordan musen og tastaturet bruges.
Marathon Mouse M705 Impressive 3-year battery life Marathon Mouse M705 Power on—a wireless mouse that runs for up to three years on one set of batteries.
Three-year battery life Up to three years of battery life helps you save time, money, and the planet by practically eliminating the need to change batteries. An indicator light lets you know when the battery is low.
Hyper-fast scrolling You'll fly through documents and Web pages with a single spin. Click-to-click scrolling gives you the precision you need when navigating lists, slides, and images.
Precise cursor control Logitech optical tracking offers precise cursor control and smooth navigation on most surfaces with 1000 dpi.
Additional buttons Want to quickly switch from page to page on the Web in an instant? You’ll save time with the Forward/Backward buttons.
Sculpted, right-hand design The sculpted, right-hand shape guides your hand to a naturally poised position and places customizable control within your reach.
Super powers Forget the hassle, expense, and waste of frequent battery changes. You'll have up to three years of power.
Connect with ease You pop the tiny Logitech Unifying receiver in your notebook and leave it there. You can even add more devices. Plug it. Forget it. Add to it.
Scroll with it Hyper-fast scrolling—one spin and you may never go back to an ordinary scroll wheel.
Producent | Logitech |
Mærke | Logitech |
Produkttype | Mus |
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