These mounts have a tilt function and have a solid security bar and padlock for theft prevention yet making the display easily accessible for service. Vogel’s new professional 5000 Series wall mounts offer high levels of theft protection for flat displays used in public areas that cannot be continually supervised. This is a versatile product line that provides extra features for theft prevention and quick and easy installation. A sturdy lock secures displays effectively and very closely to the wall to prevent removal. These mounts have a clean and elegant look and take up a minimum amount of space, yet making the display easily accessible for display service. The unique built-in levelling function in the wall plate makes life a lot easier for installers. It helps them to correct the levelling during installation.
Maksimal vægtkapacitet
75 kg
Maksimal skærmstørrelse kompatibilitet
177,8 cm (70")
Montering interface kompatibilitet (min.)
100 x 100 mm
Montering interface kompatibilitet (maks.)
942 x 578 mm
Minimal skærmstørrelse kompatibilitet
127 cm (50")
Panel montering grænseflade
100 x 100,200 x 100,200 x 200,300 x 100,300 x 200,300 x 300,400 x 200,400 x 300,400 x 400,600 x 200,600 x 400,600 x 500,700 x 400,700 x 500,800 x 400,900 x 500